There it is, under the tree — an adorable puppy or kitty! You just know your children are going to love you forever for gifting them with such a wonderful treasure. And then comes the first accident on the carpet, and no one wants to clean it up — andContinue Reading

The big holiday family dinner — for guests it’s a delight, but for the cook it can be a nightmare, a torture, even a bankrupting debacle. And that’s if it’s a GOOD year. So baking and cooking moms and grandmas all over the world, as Christmas Eve settles in —Continue Reading

Part of parenting is to provide healthy food for our children. A bag of pretzels and a can of Mountain Dew is not what pediatricians or nutritionists have in mind when they talk about a ‘healthy meal’ for children — or for adults, for that matter! But with picky andContinue Reading

How much parental leave time should employees be allowed before their job is in jeopardy? If you’re employed full-time by the federal government, you automatically will get a dozen weeks, starting next year, as the new National Defense Authorization Act goes into effect — it was a handy place toContinue Reading

There’s a new kind of parenting that couples and single parents are dealing with today. Parenting aging parents, especially those who really don’t think they need any supervision or help. Just like the classic surly teenager, many older men and women spurn the advice and proffered help of those theyContinue Reading

The family that hoots together, roots together. Okay, maybe that’s a stretch — but a Georgia family recently discovered that one of its Christmas tree ornaments was a stowaway from the great outdoors. It had the whole family fooled for perhaps as long as a week.  Last week as KatieContinue Reading

Veteran parents have learned the importance of saying ‘yes’ to life in general, but reserving the right to give a final, definite, no-refunds ‘no’ to specific requests and activities that involve their children in questionable pursuits or eat up too much of their own time and money.  This is especiallyContinue Reading