Why It’s Important To Teach Your Children About The Environment   Teaching respect   Teaching children about the environment can help to teach respect and consideration. If children grow up knowing to be considerate of their surroundings and their physical environment, they will always know to consider other groups of peopleContinue Reading

People are always talking about the benefits of expanding your horizon and getting out in the world to see new and exciting things. Fair enough, you will get a top education in places like the United Kingdom, America, Canada and Japan but if you are already a citizen of theseContinue Reading

The first 7 years of a child’s life are known as the formative years, and it is during this time that values are instilled and habits formed, which is a critical period for overall development. Creativity & imagination, for example, should be actively encouraged during these formative years, which providesContinue Reading

The term ‘experiential learning’, or learning by doing is nothing new, indeed, as far back as the late 19th century, Rudolph Steiner had discovered that children learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process. He believed that engaging the student in hands-on activities was the optimum wayContinue Reading