Mitral valve repair and replacement are surgical procedures used to repair or replace a leaking or stiff mitral valve in the heart. Between the left and right cardiac chambers is the mitral valve (left atrium and left ventricle). Mitral valve replacement surgery procedures can be performed as open-heart surgery orContinue Reading

Children need a fair amount of vitamins growing up. It’s essential that they get the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy during crucial stages of development. March is National Nutrition Month making this a great time to determine which vitamins your child should be taking. This article willContinue Reading

Dental health is so important. It’s not only about preventing tooth decay and gum disease. If you don’t care for your teeth properly, you may end up with a serious heart condition and other physical health issues. Parents can get on top of their children’s dental health by teaching themContinue Reading

Brushing your teeth is a healthy habit, right? In many ways it is. It reduces plaque which can cause cavities and gum disease that can lead to dangerous physical conditions. But there is an unhealthy side to toothbrushing in terms of environmental damage. The tube is made of plastic componentsContinue Reading

The congestion, the sniffles, the coughs. When they happen to your child, you wish you could do something to make them go away. While there is no cure for the common cold, there are things you can do to reduce symptoms. Here are some ideas that will get you andContinue Reading

Anyone up on natural health has already familiarized themselves with the benefits of probiotics. But now, prebiotics are becoming just as popular. The two work together as a powerhouse for the digestive system. Probiotics are live yeasts and good bacteria that live in the body and can also be consumedContinue Reading

A pediatrician is a trained medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating infants, babies, children and teens. Children have unique physical and emotional needs as they grow up which may be unknown by doctors who only see adults. What is the Role of a Pediatrician A pediatrician specializes inContinue Reading

You may never hear about the term ‘melasma,’ and, in which case you are very lucky. Unless you work in the field of skin care or you’ve suffered from the condition before, you probably won’t have heard it spoken of. If you’ve ever had a skin condition, learning more aboutContinue Reading

Fall will be here before you know it. For many parents, that means kids with stuffy noses and sore throats. After years of study, there is still no cure for the common cold, but there are several remedies that can minimize symptoms and even reduce the life of the cold.Continue Reading

Many parents are pondering if CBD supplements are safe to give to their children- and what the correct dose is. This is a reasonable question considering that most CBD products are meant for adults. Most CBD stores require the herb’s users to be at least 21 years and above. TheContinue Reading