DIY Plumbing Projects: What You Can and Can’t Handle Yourself

Man fixing kitchen sink

DIY plumbing projects can be a great way to save money and feel accomplished when you successfully fix a problem in your home. However, not all plumbing problems should be tackled by untrained individuals. It’s important to know what you can and can’t handle yourself when it comes to plumbing projects. Let’s take a look at what you can do yourself, and when it’s time to call a professional plumber.

What You Can Do Yourself

Fixing minor leaks: If you have a leaky faucet, showerhead, or toilet, these are typically easy fixes that you can handle yourself. Most hardware stores carry replacement parts and there are plenty of online tutorials to guide you through the process.

Unclogging drains: Before calling a plumber, try using a plunger or drain snake to clear out clogs in sinks, showers, and toilets. This is a simple task that can save you from having to pay for a professional.

Installing new fixtures: Upgrading your bathroom or kitchen fixtures, such as faucets and showerheads, is another DIY plumbing project that can easily be done by following instructions and using basic tools.

Replacing toilet components: If your toilet is running constantly or not flushing properly, you may need to replace some parts inside the tank. This is a simple task that can save you from having to call a plumber.

Insulating pipes: If you live in an area with cold winters, insulating your exposed pipes can prevent them from freezing and potentially bursting. This is a relatively easy DIY project that can save you from costly repairs down the line.

What You Should Leave to the Professionals

Major plumbing installations: If you’re adding a new bathroom or remodeling your kitchen, it’s best to leave the plumbing work to the professionals. This will ensure that everything is installed correctly and up to code.

Sewer line repairs: Issues with your main sewer line can be complex and messy. It’s best to leave these types of repairs to trained professionals who have the proper equipment and expertise.

Water heater replacements: While you can handle basic maintenance tasks, such as draining your water heater, it’s best to leave the replacement of a water heater to the professionals. They will ensure that it is properly installed and meets safety standards.

Gas line work: Working with gas lines can be dangerous and should only be done by trained professionals. If you suspect a gas leak or need to install a new gas appliance, call a licensed plumber.

Serious leaks: If you have a major leak that is causing damage to your home or property, it’s important to call a professional immediately. They will have the necessary tools and experience to fix the issue and prevent further damage.


In conclusion, while there are many DIY plumbing projects that you can handle yourself, it’s important to know your limits and when to call a professional. Attempting complex or dangerous tasks without the proper knowledge and expertise can result in costly damages and even potential harm. When in doubt, it’s always best to seek the help of a licensed plumber.    So, always proceed with caution and know when to ask for help. Happy DIYing!