Nesting is a new post-divorce co-parenting strategy in which the children remain in the same home and the parents move in and out. The purpose of nesting is to ensure that children have a stable living arrangement. However, nesting is also difficult for divorced parents to coordinate. It relies onContinue Reading

Cleaning your teeth is not about simply looking presentable. Dental hygiene is critical to avoid gum disease and cavities, which have even been linked to cancer and diabetes, according to an article on Healthline. So, oral health should be part of your overall well-being to prevent costly dental procedures andContinue Reading

Throughout early education, students are typically taught a curriculum including reading, mathematics and art. These subjects are an essential foundation for a child’s future schooling, however lessons in science are often lacking. Keep in mind about 25% of parents think science is not being highlighted enough in school. Luckily, thereContinue Reading

Sure, we all give our kids multi-vitamins, but many of us don’t consider giving them additional supplements. We figure that can come later in life when their bodies slow down on producing the nutrients they need. But additional nutrients we should consider adding to their dietary routines are omega 3’s.Continue Reading

As a parent, it is our responsibility to provide our kids with everything they might need; basics such as food, clothing, shelter and, of course, a good education, are all essentials for a growing child. Any form of sport is beneficial to children, as daily exercise helps the growing bodyContinue Reading

Tips To Save Money On Your MoveWhen it comes to moving you have two options, you can hire movers to do the move for you or you can do it yourself with the help of friends or family. Obviously if you are using friends and family you are not goingContinue Reading

As we say goodbye to 2020, we are all hoping that the New Year will take us back to normality by signalling the end of the pandemic. Once that happens, you can start to plan some outdoor activities for the whole family and here are some cool ideas on howContinue Reading

To help recover some of the costs of crime, victims can seek compensation from the state, receive restitution, or seek a remedy in a civil court. The tangible costs of crime, like lost productivity, medical expenses, and mental health counseling, cost approximately $105 billion annually. The intangible costs, such asContinue Reading