The Myths And Realities Of COVID-19
The ever-changing nature of information surrounding COVID-19 can make it hard to pin down the facts and make safe choices for ourselves and our families. And that’s even more true if you or a loved one are at higher risk for developing potential complications. There’s a lot of information circulatingContinue Reading
Subtle symptoms of traumatic brain injury in kids
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when a jarring from something like a vehicle accident or sports injury causes the brain to hit the skull. The injury can range from a mild concussion to severe brain injury. Sustaining a brain injury can lead to loss of control of emotions andContinue Reading
Major Issues That Blended Families Face
It’s not easy being a blended family. As the divorce lawyers in Oklahoma City at Strange Law Firm can attest, it can sometimes put a lot of strain on the family dynamic and tear a family in multiple directions. At the same time, blended families are becoming more and moreContinue Reading
Sleep Tight – 4 Hints for Having a Better Sleep Routine
A famous ‘old wives tale’ that science proved to be true is that children need adequate sleep daily to lead a healthy and balanced life. It wasn’t your mom just trying to be complicated or punishing you by sending you for a midday nap. Now it’s time to carry onContinue Reading
The Impact of Low Sex Drive and How to Fix it
Movies and books tend to portray men as sex obsessed. However, libido tends to differ from one person to another. Also, while for some, satisfaction is crucial, others wish to experience perfect stimulation first. Then there’s the fact that age can impact libido, with 4 out of 10 men aboveContinue Reading
Thoughts on Parenting Great Kids
I have always loved watching elite athletes. I can remember since I was 6 or 7 my dad would call me in to watch Muhamad Ali, or Sugar Ray Leonard boxing. It was mandatory to watch all the track and field during the Summer Olympics. My first sports hero wasContinue Reading
New Treatments for Childhood Cancer
Childhood cancer is nothing short of heartbreaking. When a doctor tells a parent that their child has cancer, it can be absolutely devastating. Fortunately, advances in medicine have leveled the playing field and today, children have a greater chance of surviving childhood cancer. Read on to find out about someContinue Reading
5 Ways to Increase Your Focus at Work
Sharp focus is the key to career success. Mastering the art of concentration is a major achievement, especially during the current times of high stress and hectic lifestyles. Prolonged stress can have an adverse impact on cognitive functioning, including concentration and memory. Moreover, research has proven that our attention spansContinue Reading
How Doing Yoga with Our Kids Can Improve the Entire Family’s Health
Staying fit as a family can help with bonding in so many ways. Teenagers do not like to be seen with their parents but frequently you see father/son or mother/daughter workouts being done. Being able to teach your kids something like how to lift appropriately or practice proper technique isContinue Reading
How To Register A Company
If you are looking to register a business in Hong Kong, then you should be aware of the various procedures that are required to make sure your application is successful. Indeed, deciding to register a business in Hong Kong can require you to consider a number of factors. However, ifContinue Reading