How to Help Your Kids Become Financially Literate
They may not own houses or contribute to 401(k)s, but kids deserve to know the basics of financial literacy as soon as they understand how money works. Parents who help their children with money from the beginning can set a foundation of good habits that will last a lifetime. YouContinue Reading
7 Things to Look for in a Rental When You Have Kids
Since you’re a concerned parent, one of your most vital jobs is to find acceptable accommodations for your family. Your apartment or house will be the entire world for your kids when they’re young; and when they grow up and go to school, it will be their soft place toContinue Reading
How to Keep Your Crawling Baby Safe Around the House
It’s hard to choose a favorite stage of childhood development. As a parent, they’re all exciting and meaningful. But one of the best experiences is when a child first becomes mobile by learning how to crawl. Crawling – and eventually walking – opens your baby up to a world ofContinue Reading
Wise Family Planning: 7 Factors to Consider
Carefully considered family planning allows partners a great deal of empowerment and freedom as they decide when to conceive and when to avoid conception. Many women have at least one pregnancy in their lives, yet about half of all pregnancies aren’t planned. With the rise in contraceptive choices, women haveContinue Reading
Helping Children to Save.
According to a Financial Security Index survey conducted by Bankrate recently, only one in five working Americans are actively saving money from their paychecks each month. This low rate has not changed significantly in the past four years. That same study found that American parents were among those who didContinue Reading
How to Raise Cultured Children Even When You Can’t Travel
Most parents have certain aspirations for their kids: confident, adaptable, inquisitive, knowledgeable about the world. Even if a family globetrotting trip isn’t on the table for you, there are ways you can start the journey to a global outlook from home. The suggestions below will get your child on trackContinue Reading
New Legislation May Scuttle Adoption Tax Credits.
Last month House Republicans revealed a four hundred page overhaul of tax legislation that could have a negative impact on foster care and the adoption process here in the United States. In this “Jobs and Tax Cuts Act” there’s a section dealing with adoption tax credits, which have been availableContinue Reading
Benefits of Essential Oils, And Uses
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years worldwide, for a wide range of applications ranging from perfumes and beauty products to medicines. Essential oils are derived from plants, and usually many leafs of the plant or flower are required to extract a small amount of essential oil, usingContinue Reading
Does Your Child Have the Flu?
Every parent worries when their child is suffering from what may be the flu. They become fractious and, let’s face it, messy. But recent reports from pediatricians around the country indicate that a lot of worried parents take their child to the ER when a simple visit to the doctorContinue Reading
How Much Grade School Artwork Should You Keep?
A reporter who works for the Guardian newspaper in Great Britain was recently asked at a news conference how many of her children’s drawings she keeps, and for how long. Her response, paraphrased and shortened, is as follows: First of all, don’t ever think you have to keep everything thatContinue Reading