
Halter tops have been a fashion staple for years, but what kind of bra should you wear with them? In this blog post, we’ll explore the function and fashion of finding the right bra for your halter top. We’ll look at the different types of bras that provide the properContinue Reading


Shopping for bras can be difficult and confusing, particularly when it comes to sizing. Different countries have different sizing charts, making it challenging to figure out which size you should be wearing. In this blog post, we’ll explore bra sizing in France and answer the question: what bra size comesContinue Reading


Shopping for a backless top can be a daunting task, especially when finding the right bra to wear with it. To simplify things, we’ve prepared a guide that covers backless bras basics, types for every occasion, and tips on choosing the correct fit and shape for your body type. AfterContinue Reading